
Hello habibis welcome to my sexy time website, because I'm awesaome as fuck and I'm here 2 teach you all to not be fucking losers because I love myself!! So I know a lot of you are lost, but you shall be found since I am an amazing powerful mighty being who can help you out with the power of awesomeness. All the advice you need is don't hate yourself, not because someone cares but because why the fuck would you hate yourself unless ur like a pedo lol, pedos deserve to hate themselves but otherwise I mean it's funky town time. Another answer to life is drugs, because some drugs can heal you with their magical powers, for more info note me but it's pretty sexy to do drugs consensually. Also think with your brain and not your cock, okay thank you all for listening. Me.

Look, this is gonna be crazy but AAAAAAAAAAA did you see that? AAAAAAA! text.

Here's my sexy beautiful face, btw:

How to be a cool person

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